“Otosclerosis, Ossiculoplasty & Implantable Hearing Aids"

Ear Surgery with RoboticScope® at the 16th LION Global Broadcast

The 16th annual LION Global Broadcast was held from 4th to 5th May 2021. The LION Network, Live International Otolaryngology Network, is dedicated to promoting high quality medical and surgical education programmes. The aim is to improve the knowledge, skills, and discipline of current ENT surgeons, as well as to introduce innovative programmes that provide global training, including in developing countries.


During these two days, 12 surgeons, highly recognised in their field, from 9 different surgical centres worldwide, shared their knowledge during live surgeries and answered questions from the moderators as well as the participants.

It was an honour that the RoboticScope® was part of the event and was used by Dr. Antonio Della Volpe, Director of Otology and Cochlear Implant Department at Santobono-Pausilipon Children's Hospital of Naples, Italy and the President of Italian Society of Otology and Hearing Sciences.

Very impressive microscope“

Wilko Grolman, President of the LION foundation

On the live streaming a cochlear implantation was performed on a 4-year-old girl with profound hearing loss on the right side. The first part of the operation was done, like usually, without a microscope. For the second part the RoboticScope® was used. As Dr. Antonio Della Volpe pointed out, RoboticScope® offers high magnification and great image quality, which are very important functionalities in this kind of surgeries.


Furthermore, he emphasised the benefits of the RoboticScope® especially when it comes to the cochleostomy technique, due to the good view and easy focusing just with light head gestures via the Head-Mounted Display (HMD).


It was a pleasure for us that the RoboticScope® was part in this surgery as well as this well-known global videoconference broadcast.


Did you miss the live stream or do you want to see it again? Watch the recorded stream on Youtube:  16th LION Global Broadcast


Fast forward to the following times (hh:mm):

02:36 – 02:41 >> Introduction of the case  

03:53 – 04:08 >> Surgery with RoboticScope®