We are award winners in the category „Reaching International Markets”

Living Standards Award 2021

We are happy to announce that on January 21st of 2021 BHS Technologies received the Living Standards Award 2021. This important award shows how standards help to generate economic success, drive innovation and make ideas exportable. What an honor that we won the category “Reaching International Markets”.

It's always about the patient’s safety and you can only ensure that if everyone 'plays by the same rules' and that's why we need standards.“

Michael Santek, CTO

Standards mostly work in the background and ensure the quality and safety of products and services. They also help to turn innovative ideas into exportable solutions and working future technologies. About 4,500 experts in Austria are currently working together on the subject of standardization.


The Living Standards Award is aimed at companies, organizations, research institutions and start-ups that use standards to enable new solutions to improve our quality of work and life (Enabling Solutions), to open international markets (Reaching International Markets), to develop new technologies (Developing Future Technologies) or to apply innovative electrical engineering standards (IEEE Standards).

We are working at full speed to get into the American market.“

Gregor Burger, CSO

Also, at BHS Technologies standards play a crucial role as we provide the world’s first RoboticScope®. A view-changing full digital 3D microscope which is based on a digital, purely software-controlled technology. Of course, patient safety has high priority in this progress. That’s why standards are so important. They ensure that "everyone plays by the same rules" and they need to be applied in the design as well as manufacture of medical products (ISO 13485), risk management (ISO 1471) and the handling of medical and electrical equipment.

Preparations for America are already underway as the device must go through a different certification process there. So we are working at full speed to get into the American market.


Find out more about the Living Standards Award here and check out our award winner video here.