
Hier finden Sie unsere neuesten Updates und Einblicke in unsere Arbeit. Außerdem relevante Neuigkeiten in der Medizintechnik und Thought Leadership Beiträge. 

47 % kürzere Operationszeiten

Erfahrungen eines Chirurgen: RoboticScope in der Wirbelsäulenchirurgie

Fortschritte in der Präzision der Mikrochirurgie

Robotik in der Mikrochirurgie: Kollaboration zwischen BHS Technologies und MMI 

RoboticScope goes Mexico: CRAON unser neuer Distributor 

1. BHS Technologies OP-Personal-Treffen

Studie zur Bewertung der ergonomischen Vorteile des Head-Mounted Display in der Wirbelsäulenchirurgie

Weltweit erste roboterassistierte Penoid-Operation für Transgender-Patient:innen 

2. Internationales BHS Technologies Distributor Meeting

RoboticScope in den Benelux mit unserem neuen Partner Duomed

New Enhanced Features for an even more Efficient and Simplified Usage of the RoboticScope

RoboticScope Debuts at Yale

New publication about robotised digital microscope with the RoboticScope

RoboticScope goes to the United Kingdom and & Ireland

1st BHS Technologies Distributor Meeting

Ended the congress season with a great impact at the DAM 2022

Setting new standards!

BHS-Technologies day out!

We are “Born Global Champion”!

Minimally invasive spine surgery (TLIF) using RoboticScope®

Entering new markets in the Middle East – Arab Health 2022

Surgeon’s comfort: The ergonomics of a robotic exoscope using a head-mounted display

HMD 2.0: The next generation HMD

Management reorganization at BHS Technologies GmbH

Review of pre-clinical usability and clinical experience in neurosurgery

Article: Performance of microvascular anastomosis with RoboticScope

Pre-clinical study: Application of RoboticScope® in CI surgery

Intracranial tumor resections with RoboticScope®

BHS Technologies on „Welt der Wunder TV“

BHS Technologies wins German Innovation Award 2021

RoboticScope® stated in systematic review about robot-assisted surgeries in ENT

Worldwide first veterinary clinic using the RoboticScope

Ergonomics in microsurgery

The RoboticScope®

A cutting-edge surgery performed with RoboticScope®

Living Standards Award 2021

Use of RoboticScope® to perform lymphovenous anastomosis

First cochlear implant placement with RoboticScope® in Italy

Holiday Greetings

RoboticScope® training in Regensburg

Super microsurgery revolutionses the lymphedema therapy

Real breakthrough in the handling of visualization

BHS Technologies at ORF

Testimonial Barbara Wollenberg – Munich

Ärzte Woche – Interview about RoboticScope®

Testimonial Prof. Bohr – Regensbrug

Seeing more clearly than ever before

First ENT-Surgery in Austria with RoboticScope®

Testimonial ENT – Vedat Topsakal

Give away for facemasks

First plastic surgeries done with RoboticScope®

Stay Tuned!

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